KICLDC has received thank you's from our recent donations of $500 each to Meals on Wheels and Brown Bagging for Calgary's Kids. Take a moment to look at the two attachments to appreciate how much these two donations mean to these two wonderful organizations. The note from the Calgary Kids came in a very small brown lunch bag that was coloured by one of the children. Warms your heart. ♥ ♥
brown_bag_children_of_calgary.jpg meals_on_wheels.jpg
Keepin' It Country Line Dance Club could be eligible to win the 2018-19 Readers' Choice Award but we need your votes. The contest runs from Oct 14th to Nov 4th so please vote now.
We're asking all of you who appreciates country line dancing, to please vote for our Club. The voting link is:… Click on the above link then choose the category: "Readers Choice Health, Fitness, & Leisure". Our name is not listed in the white drop down section, so you will have to look to the right of this category that says: 'If none of the above, please list your favourite Dance Studio'. Please type in: Keepin' It Country Line Dance Club. Then SUBMIT your vote at the bottom of the page. Our members are proud to belong to this Club that brings many smiles of joy to those in Hospice/Senior Centers when we perform throughout the year and of course before & during the Calgary Stampede when we dance at many locations throughout our City. Thank you for your support. ♥ KIC has received a thank you from Chiropractor Dr. Tom Kelly for the donation of over 370 pairs of socks for their Sock Drive from all of our KIC members and MidSun Community line dancers. Terrific job everyone.
Keepin’ It Country Line Dancing Club (KICLDC) has made a donation of $500 each to Brown Bagging It For Calgary’s Kids and Meals on Wheels.
The Executive passed a motion to make these two donations at our September meeting and felt these two organizations represented our children and seniors of Calgary. According to Brown Bagging It For Calgary’s Kids, there are approximately 4,200 kids in Calgary who go to school without the food they need. Our gift will help provide energy for some children to run and play, to focus and listen, to learn and make friends. This gift will allow a child to live up to their potential by changing their day and help change their life. The principal clients for Meals on Wheels are seniors but there are also programs open to all Calgarians who are in need of a meal service to maintain independence in their own homes. Food is a basic need, a life necessity. What we eat or don’t eat affects our mental, emotional and physical well-being. More than 463,000 meals are delivered every year. KICLDC is proud to support these two organizations. We couldn’t do it without our registered members and volunteers so a BIG thank you to each and everyone one of you. THANK YOU! |
KIC ExecutiveKICLDC is run by a 8 person volunteer executive body. Archives
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